ECTtracker Quick Start

Configuring ECTtracker quickly

After the initial setting of ECTCamera and selecting necessary fragments of the acquired image, the user needs to set up ECTtracker software to gain access to the image processing. To do so the user needs to place the target window over the ECTCamera window and create the necessary amount of samples for recognition, select the desired identifying structure (one or both eyes) and then choose the level of samples comparing tolerance. The user must then enter key codes for the receiving software and for further management of ECTkeyboard, as well as configuring the interface of the software.

Video capturing from ECTCamera or any other software (Skype, browser, media player, etc.) can be done with a special target window of ECTtracker. When the user starts ECTtracker a black window can be seen which can be moved with the left mouse button. This is the target window. By placing this window over the video source (in our case, ECTCamera software), the user enables the displaying of the image fragment behind the target window in the main window of ECTtracker (see Fig. 12).

Capturing fragment of the image from ECTcamera with ECTtracker target window (Fig. 12. Capturing fragment of the image from ECTcamera with ECTtracker target window)

After display the selected fragment in the main windows of ECTtracker, the user needs to select the identifying structure. There are identifying structures for one and both eyes available. The identifying structure is shown over the video in the main window of the program and compares images with samples from the Matrix of Samples with a specified time interval. If the user wishes to change the identifying structure, SamplesLoad Structure item of the menu should be selected. In the appeared window, the user can then select universal_sko.dat – for one eye identifying structure, and 2GL_sko.dat – for two eyes. These structures have different positions of key points over the image, which are used to compare the image with user's samples. (see Fig. 13).

ECTtracker identifying structures for one and both eyes (Fig.13. ECTtracker identifying structures for one and both eyes)

After completing the image position and identifying the structure setting, the user needs to complete the next step – to create the Matrix of Samples. This can be done either through an automatic calibration procedure or manually. To use automatic calibration SamplesAuto calibration item of the menu needs to be selected, or can alternatively be selected by pressing the F6 button. The user will see different pictures to imitate: open eyes in the center of the screen, upper part of the screen and right part of the screen; closed eyes in the center of the screen; one eye open in the center of the screen (see Fig. 14). Image changes are followed with a sound signal and the Matrix of Samples is then automatically filled (see Fig. 15).

Images, shown to the user during automatic calibration (Fig. 14. Images, shown to the user during automatic calibration) Matrix of Samples filled through automatic calibration procedure (Fig. 15. Matrix of Samples filled through automatic calibration procedure)

In case the user wants to fill the Matrix of Samples manually or needs to replace some samples after the automatic calibration procedure, it is necessary to begin the manual part of the software by selecting the Start item of the menu, or by pressing the F11 button. It is then necessary to right-click on the image in the main window of ECTtracker.

Image capturing will stop at the current frame and the area that can be saved as a sample in the Matrix will be highlighted by a rectangle (see Fig. 16). To save this sample into the Matrix, the user needs to click on the desired cell of the Matrix with any mouse button. To continue video capturing the left mouse button must -click the image in ECTtracker window.

Saving a sample into the Matrix using the context menu (Fig. 16. Saving a sample into the Matrix using the context menu)

The user can fill all the necessary cells in the Matrix of Samples, for example, if it is necessary to use one eye identifying structure (see Fig. 17).

Manually filled Matrix of Samples intended to use with identifying structure from universal_sko.dat (Fig. 17. Manually filled Matrix of Samples intended to use with identifying structure from universal_sko.dat)

After filling the Matrix of Samples it is recommended to save it using SamplesSave Matrix of Samples item of the menu. The user will be able to avoid automatic calibration and setting of the Matrix of Samples with every start of the software.

All elements of the Matrix of Samples are saved in separate files. The first sample in the row is saved as 00.jpg; the second – 01.jpg; the third – 02.jpg; the fourth – 03.jpg, and so on. All samples from the first row are saved in 00 folder, second – 01, third – 02, fourth – 03 and fifth – 04. Later the user can change the location and names of all files through the file manager of the operating system (see Fig. 18).

ECTtracker Matrix of Samples elements in the file manager of the operating system (Fig. 18. ECTtracker Matrix of Samples elements in the file manager of the operating system)

During the initial setup, the Debug Lines window must be open; it shows the level of coincidence of the images in the window and the samples from the Matrix of Samples. The user can turn debugging on or off with the F5 button or by selecting the Debug Lines item of the menu.

The number of the debug line corresponds with the row in the Matrix of Samples. Lines are painted from the left to the right side, and color ranges from dark blue (coincidence – 0%) to green (coincidence – 100%). After the correct setting up procedure, and dependently to the state of the eyes (open or closed), one of the lines must always stay green. You can view different debug states on Fig. 19.

Debug lines windows. Shows the level of coincidence (Fig. 19. Debug lines windows. Shows the level of coincidence)

If, during the software’s process, all lines are dark (left image), that means that the software was not able to find any corresponding samples. If two or more lines are green (central image) that means that software has found two or more corresponding samples for one action. The correct diagram, indicating one sample corresponds to one action, is shown on the right image.

Further settings can be selected through the settings panel of the ECTtracker software. To show the settings panel, the user can press the F2 button (when capturing is off) or they can select ProfileShow Settings item of the menu.

One of the most important parameters is the level of samples comparing tolerance (level of coincidence of images and samples when they are considered identical). If an image does not correspond with any sample, it is recommended to increase the Wlim value (see Fig. 20). If an image corresponds with two or more samples, it is recommended to decrease the value. The user can select the necessary value experimentally. The default value is 25.

Setting the level of samples comparing tolerance (Fig. 20. Setting the level of samples comparing tolerance)

Useful advice: If the software has trouble in recognizing theimages, the user can put a bright dot (in contrasting color) on the patient’s eyelid with a marker and create a new Matrix of Samples. Any contrasting color increases the level of recognition.

The next stage of setup is to connect ECTtracker and the receiving software. The user needs to fill field #10 of the settings panel with "ECT keyboard by" – this is the header of ETCkeyboard software main window (Fig. 21).

Connecting ECTtracker and ECTkeyboard to send key codes (Fig. 21. Connecting ECTtracker and ECTkeyboard to send key codes)

When one of the images in the main window of the program corresponds with one of the fragments from the Matrix of Samples, ECTtracker sends action codes to the receiving software. Rows 60-64 in the settings panel are responsible for action and key codes (see Fig. 22). First the user needs to enter the key code, and then after entering a space, action needs to be entered. There are four possible values for action: press a key (parameter value – 1); release a key (parameter value – 2); press and release a key (parameter value – 3). If the value is equal to 0, the action is totally deactivated and the key code is not sent to the receiving software, even if the image corresponds with one of the samples.

ECTtracker settings panel rows responsible for key codes (Fig. 22. ECTtracker settings panel rows responsible for key codes)

Let’s have a look at one real example. Supposably, ECTkeyboard is controlled by Space button, and the patient selects symbols in the Matrix with one eye blinking. In ECTtracker software sample A corresponds with an image where eye is open (first row of the Matrix of Samples); sample B – with an image where eye is closed (second row of the Matrix of Samples).

In the settings panel of the software each line corresponds with a row of the Matrix of Samples: line #60 – row 1; line #61 – row 2 and so on.

In this case, action for B – press a key and the parameter value is equal to 1. Space key code is 32. Thus, in the line #61 of the settings panel the user needs to enter 32 1. Action for A – release a key and the parameter value is equal to 2. We’re releasing the same Space button with code 32. Thus in the line #60 the user needs to enter 32 2.

The initial setting is over. To speed up the software the user can use the Debug menu. Items of this menu allow to show/hide:

Debug elements are shown in figure 23.

ECTtracker debug window elements (Fig. 23. ECTtracker debug window elements)

Disabling of these elements will not affect the quality of the software, but will increase its productivity. This feature allows the use of ECTtracker software on low-end computers, receiving the same productivity.

That was the very last stage of the initial setting of ECTtracker. You can find more information about different program settings (how to change target window size, width and height of the matrix, frames per second rate of the video, etc.) in the detailed user’s manual of ECTtracker.